Free On Board shipping
Product Details
We have contracts with major shipping lines ,such as COSCO、OOCL、MSK、ONE、YML、EMC、MATSON、ZIM、CULINE etc., so we can provide full container or LCL solutions from china to America/ Canada FBA warehouse/ Walmart warehouse/ homedepot warehouse/ business Addresses, and settle the costs with you and the seller separately according to the terms of trade
What we can do?
• Pick up the goods from China
• Container loading
• China Export Customs Clearance
• Book space from the shipping company
• US/Canada import Customs Clearance
• Pick up the container at the destination port
• Delivery to the place of receipt
What you need to do?
Provide your packinglist and invoice
Other Services
We have our own warehouse in both America and Cananda and China ,and can provide labeling, storage and other services

Yes, from pickup in China to delivery to destination, full services, Separate settlement with you and the seller according to trade terms.
Yes, We have transported wine cabinets, refrigerators, mattresses and other bulky items from China to North America
Just give us the invoice and packing list,special items like baby toys, medical devices, etcpresent the necessary certification.
The logistics track will be continuously updated by our APP and webside. you can view the progress at any time
The price will be affected by the cost of sea shipping fee, You can choose different shipping companies, the time and price will be different
If there any quetion,you contact Contact us for or click on the right side of online service to consult customer service.