
Introducing the Locking Service

In an unexpected move in November, Amazon drastically scaled down its warehouse capacity, leading to the redistribution of goods to more remote storage facilities. This created hurdles for numerous sellers, hindering their ability to fulfill shipments as originally planned and resulting in additional expenses for exceeding storage limits. Recent concerns about sluggish logistics, particularly at the final stage, have compounded the difficulties for sellers. Many have reported that delivery delays significantly impact the overall online shopping experience, raising concerns about logistics efficiency, whether in warehousing or end-to-end distribution.


Responding proactively, our company has rolled out the Locking Service, a strategic response to Amazon’s challenges related to dispatching to popular warehouses, appointment scheduling issues, and prolonged unloading times. Leveraging the advantages of Amazon Freight’s platform and our dedicated fleet, this service swiftly transfers pending goods to less frequented warehouses, streamlining the shelving process. This service is also colloquially known as the “flip service.”


Our commitment lies in providing holistic solutions for sellers, with a focus on automating supply chain management and ensuring efficient logistics services. We aim to offer sellers a comprehensive suite of hosting services, enabling them to concentrate on sales with confidence and ease.

Post time: Dec-04-2023